Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 423

Warning: Undefined array key "main" in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 429

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 429

Warning: Undefined array key "weather" in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 431

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 431

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 431

Warning: Undefined array key "weather" in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 433

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 433

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 433

Warning: Undefined array key "main" in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 435

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 435

Warning: Undefined array key "main" in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 437

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 437

Warning: Undefined array key "main" in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 439

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 439

Warning: Undefined array key "wind" in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 441

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/c0450107/public_html/articulo/articulo.php on line 441
Vacunación Covid-19 El Hospital Área Programa las Grutas: - Estacion Diaria
Local & Alrededores

Vacunación Covid-19 El Hospital Área Programa las Grutas:


Vacunación Covid-19 
El Hospital Área Programa las Grutas:
Informa que el dia Viernes 2 DE JULIO  "CAMPAÑA DE VACUNACION COVID-19" para Personas mayores de 40  años CON Y SIN FACTORES DE RIESGO, que todavia no se hallan vacunado con la Primera dosis de la 💉 Vacuna Anti COVID-19.
🕘Horario de 09hs. A 16 hs.
Ubicado : calle Mamuel Choique y El Cain
¿Qué hay que llevar el día del turno al Centro de Vacunación💉?
✔Presentar  un documento de identidad vigente con domicilio en la Localidad  o constancia de domicilio.
✔Presentar documentación que certifique la existencia de enfermedades pre-existentes en el caso de personas que presenten factores de riesgo.
⚠️ATENCION estar INSCRIPTOS  PREVIAMENTE en la página web: www.vacunate.rionegro.gov.ar


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